Power of One Report - January 2025

Power of One Report

Success in BNI is directly tied to the Five Key Fundamentals of BNI Success. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE POWER OF ONE. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the BNI Billings members listed below who scored 30 points or more in January 2025. You are directly contributing to the health of your chapter and the profitability of your chapter members!

Each Power of One element is scored out of a maximum of 20 points.

1. CEUs (One hour = One CEU). There are easily 6 CEUs for completing the online MSP. Goal: Four CEUs / month

2. Attendance. Goal: 100%

3. One-to-ones. Goal: Four one-to-ones / month

4. Referrals. Goal: Four referrals / month

5. Visitors. Goal: One visitor / month

Billings Original Thursday BNI Laura Drager (20) 55
Billings Original Thursday BNI Stephanie Weyrauch (22) 55
Billings Original Thursday BNI Dana Bishop (22) 50
Billings Original Thursday BNI Rashonda  Morin (4) 45
Billings Little Horn Chapter Weds AM Nathan Vincent (4) 40
Billings Original Thursday BNI Tom Schwab (22) 40
Magic City Thursday Marc Osborn (12) 40
Magic City Thursday Philip Bjerken (11) 40
Billings Little Horn Chapter Weds AM Aleena Garey (22) 35
Billings Original Thursday BNI Andy Pirami (22) 35
Billings Original Thursday BNI Billy Gordon (21) 35
Billings Original Thursday BNI David Miller (22) 35
Billings Original Thursday BNI Jamie Hass (22) 35
Billings Peak Performance Partners Weds Brenda Segna (21) 35
Billings Peak Performance Partners Weds Robert Wagenaar (21) 35
Billings Little Horn Chapter Weds AM Scot Eenhuis (22) 30
Billings Original Thursday BNI Kevin Murray (22) 30
Billings Original Thursday BNI Nathan Matelich (22) 30
Billings Original Thursday BNI Paul Scheie (22) 30
Billings Peak Performance Partners Weds Ed Melcher (22) 30
Billings Peak Performance Partners Weds Gordon Escene (22) 30
Billings Peak Performance Partners Weds James Allen (22) 30
Billings Tuesday Kayli Steadman (5) 30
Magic City Thursday Bill Gamsby (11) 30
Magic City Thursday Dommonic Kimble (12) 30
Trailhead 406 BNI Chapter Billie Kouwenhoven (18) 30


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